Saturday 20 November 2010

Little update on FFD and other things

Just wanted to clarify what's happening with regard to Combat-Helo atm.

The game is currently undergoing a little restructuring while it's updated to use the new version of the 3D Engine (Leadwerks). New input routines to support easier swapping of controllers, campaign data, networking has been tweaked for the dual-seat / peer to peer comms.

Fred, developer of FFD (Free Flight Dynamics engine) has been working on *new* version of his elegant blade theory simulation and is about 90% complete. Then it has to be ported to C++, the Combat-Helo implementation was parked until this is complete and then we'll look into how best interface it. I really love how FFD works, it's quite different to everything else I've seen and adaptable for any kind of vehicle that is a collection of complex forces.

I received the first processed APU audio and quite pleased with that. No time to slot it into the game yet. One feature I'd like to use from OpenAL is doppler shift, oddly missing from the LE implementation as far as I can tell. And now I have a need to queue sounds on a TSource and finding that feature lacking here too. Might have to use my own OpenAL implementation if I can't mix OpenAL API calls with LE OpenAL buffers.


  1. If X-Plane uses the same laws of physics then probably.

    It's taken from the same text books that engineers use to design real helicopters, tested in FSX as a module that totally replaces the built-in flight model and refined by real pilots sending feedback on the model data.

  2. If you have FSX you can test it now, FFD will be an improved version of Helicopter total realism, a free add on I published at Yes it uses aerodynamic books blade element theory adapted by me for a simulation.


  3. It's not a dream, we said as much a few weeks ago. We're trying to smooth out the process of adding 'study sim' level helicopters.

    We feel the CH47 is Ying to the Apache Yang. Both complement each other and lets us add new mission types akin to the Blackhawk in Longbow 2.

    Sorry for lack of updates, been busy.

  4. If there was going to be SAR or SAR escort type missions I hope the SAR aircraft can be told to hold or break or some form of communication of tactics.
    I always hated escort missions as you just lead or follow a flight blind & never get use any tactics or terrain to your advantage.

    Maybe the player could could relay safe points for the flight that they are escorting.
    move here & hold, etc.....
