Monday 30 August 2010

Saitek Instrument Panel test

Had a quick play with Saitek's DirectOutput SDK, results are mixed but not bad. The MFD resolution in Combat-Helo is a native 512x512 and the Saitek Flight Instrument Panel is VGA 320x240, there's a bit of difference.

Sampling the buffer down to a smaller surface and then adding a suitable BMP header to send over to the device. Remarkably easy. I'll have three more please Saitek :)

BUT please can you make an FIP version two with a 512x512 square ratio display? Or at least increase the vertical resolution to 256?

Text is near impossible to read, but the general layout is recognisable. I don't know if we're going to support these devices in game, it's just one more thing to go wrong and support, and the default button locations don't match up so it would need code to move functions over to the left side, there are only 6 six buttons. But it's interesting to play around with.

1 comment:

  1. Saitek never responded to my emails or forum PMs about such matters. You'll have to ask them why they don't seem to be interested, if you can get a reply. Naturalpoint on the other hand have been fantastic regarding developer support. I love those guys.

    I'm happy to have our manual feature examples of a "Saitek" profile with pictures in the margins of a stick and the buttons, when exploring a topic. Much like I did with the EECH strategy guides.

    When Komodo get their Apache Pro sticks built we'll definitely add special support for that hardware.

    I can't afford to buy all this stuff so I rely on getting loaners or donated gear when I can't justify the expense.
