Sunday 22 August 2010

Herat city, almost

This is months of painstaking trial-and-error, optimisation and experimentation. I said months ago, "We don't have the resources or time to build a whole city, just a close approximation". Well it's an approximation but it's more than what we anticipated was possible. Given that the old girl Longbow 2 had a small village, a dozen or so muddy cubes, this is 2010 and we can afford to push it a little.

Putting the demo together for Summer Sim 2010 next weekend, the updated map includes Herat city which is not a center for our first campaign map, geographically or strategically as it's close to the north-west corner of the map. But it is a regional feature, the city is the gateway to Iran. One of the campaign scenarios involve a armoured invasion by Iranian forces in an attempt to do something about a deteriorating security situation in which NATO led US forces are caught in the middle and ultimately you decide which way that goes. The city will present a real challenge for pilots, not only is it a maze of structures and narrow streets, there are not many open areas to perform an emergency landing should the need arise.

I don't think we want to build another city like this. Hopefully you'll be able to appreciate the amount of work that's gone into the environment. Flying over the rooftops and sat dishes in the pilot seat with a full HOTAS is a dream come true, I certainly never expected anything like this when we started last September. It has the feel of an old familiar sim mixed with the new and we're not finished yet. AD has done an outstanding job in realising the setting. If there's one criticism I can level, there's not enough of it. I'd happily fly for longer than I perhaps normally would in other sims as the detail is better. There's always something interesting over in the next valley, or a nice low level route to challenge your flying skills.

We chose from the outset not to put the player in Helmand which is where the worst of the troubles are. It's a question that's been asked, why not?

It limits what you can do with scenarios and we wanted the Apache to do what it does best, spank heavy armour. Italy is currently the occupying security force in this region which is set to pass on to the US in the near future. Here we get to play out two different kinds of warfare. And what starts as one kind, if you do really badly in one campaign, may step things up and move you into the second. And if that happens you'll be flying over Herat, weapons hot.

*edit* Just tried FPS mode. Well FPS is overstating it, Combat-Helo allows you to roam around and explore but our environments are not tailored for that vantage point.

But trying it out I realised that our vertex shader that aligns the road geometry to terrain doesn't work for the physics. Which means I'll have to bodge a raycast on the player controller to allow you to walk on road surfaces. Well this is how vehicles were going to drive on it anyway. The PHY (physics model) for the road mesh is actually burried deep under the terrain when you reach the city.

And a lot of the basic buildings and compounds in the city have simple PHYs which perhaps need a little work to get them to match the volume of the city block. Once you fix one, it fixes all instances so theres not that many to do.


  1. Looks absolutely fantastic, I can almost see a bunch of players shooting it out COD style in the courtyard of the last piccie.

    Buildings with some vertical element to them are great for hiding behind in a helo and it looks like Herat has plenty. Should be an interesting city to engage the enemy in. Nice one ..again.

  2. Heh, probably could do that COD style, the buildings FPS mode up close don't stand up well against those games. But sure, you'll be able to do that.

    I crashed into that Jihad monument taking these pics btw. Apaches are bigger than you think. The size of a bus, think about trying to fly a bus down those streets.

    Going to be more interesting when I put the dust emitters back in.

    Progress on fixing the new flight model seems to be going okish. Found a stupid radians to degree bug and another typo (subtracting the address of a function from PI lol).

    Going to take an FPS mode pic from the ground and add it to this blog entry.

  3. Ahhh radians. I remember writing a random spawn function in Lua for OP Flashpoint DR that involved lots of COS/SIN and RAD functions. Got it to work in the end but had me going around in circles for quite a while.
    Glad you are making progress, a break and fresh eyes sometimes does the world of good when it comes to debugging. Shame you're outta beer, that helps too.

  4. Well I have this really great debugging tool that is fantastic. It's called Wife 2.0 and she's a whizz at reviewing and fixing my code. She's got the flight model chewing through numbers correctly and there are a few other things left to sort out. But it's not blowing up anymore. So that's a result. I'm happy.

  5. Thats an amazing progress!!! I didnt expect such a level of detail in city. Everything looks great! Good job. Looking forward for some footage from demo.

  6. Wife2.0 eh! sounds like an expensive bit of kit. Especially if you've had to upgrade from wife1.0.
    My version of nagger1.0 can only fetch beer from the fridge, so pretty envious.

  7. incredible progress made on this in the past week...


  8. i will be awaiting anxiously for this, keep up the good work, photos look amazing. Time to retire the black shark and get busy with this :-)
