Monday 23 August 2010

Internal views

Added some fixed internal views for 'quick' look downs and drama shots.

Wiper dash...this has a little vibration.

Pilot displays...

Over shoulder...

Pilot engine controls (startup and lighting)...CP/G similar (not pictured)

Co-pilot target panel (TEDAC)...

I think a 'foot-well' cam will come when we get a pilot model in game so we can see the crew looking around. And I think we could use an ADI/Comms panel view. Feel free to suggest a few more.


  1. Those views should suffice.

    Are those scratches on the glass or contrails in the sky? You've been doing some fixed wing flying on the sly, go on admit it.

    Oh and you'd better have something for Cyclic to blow up on your RAF Cosford Demo. He'll get upset otherwise, you know what he's like.

  2. It's canopy scratches, when the exterior light level is low they tend to show up a lot more. Same with the frag shield between cockpits.

    He'll have to wait for weapons to be put in, that's next on the milestone list after I'm done with the Bushmaster gun...and the flight page and converting the ENG page for the new rendering code.

    How is he at making pew pew noises?

  3. Damn...that looks really awesome. I dont thing there is need for doing some other views. This is ok. Will You do the cockpit vibrating during engines on? :-o

  4. The dash/wiper view has aircraft vibration. I'm loath to add camera shake because I went to so much trouble eliminating it in the first place lol. (Incidentally, it's reasonable to assume LB2s 3D cockpit vibration effect was also probably due to fixed point math error.)

    Our camera class takes a vibration flag and amplitude so it's easy to add to any view.

    Just added an external orbit cam that does a little bob and sway which is OK but not great. I think the amplitude for that should be based on forward airspeed. It does actually add a lot to a static view.

  5. Cockpit shake due to a hit, a launch, storms (turbulence), a hard landing, and over-torque would be my preference. Constant cockpit shake seems like a bad idea; we don't want to make clicking buttons more difficult than it needs to be.


  6. That's a good point. I have a hard enough time clicking buttons with trackIR as the hit boxes are small. I only added vibration/movement to 'drama' cam views but the system could be used for those spot effects, turbulence etc.

    I'm on to external lighting now. The new flight model won't be ready till after the show for sure. It needs another week of integration, there's the powertrain simulation that's also present in FFD but slightly different. That needs to be consolidated.

    I'm inclined to use FFD for consistency which means more changes.

  7. I'd also add that looking at a vibrating LCD monitor can be quite fatigueing. Its quite different when your whole body is vibrating in sync in the real thing.

  8. Thank You for replies. I didnt mean constant dramatic shaking like in Ural truck. Ive meant something like the vibrations in Black Shark. Something You can see and add the feeling of sitting in something with engine :-) but still be able to click buttons without problems. Sorry for neverending comparing with Black Shark. :-) Anyway...I understand Your reasons. I think that older I will get, more vibrations will be present with Track IR Parkinson enhanced system. :-D

  9. I think the FFD system will provide much of the reality with regard to engine and airflow airframe buffeting etc At least thats how I understand it to work.

  10. The FFD model will cause any necessary buffeting as you say. The camera is locked off at a head position so it instantly moves relative to the airframe plus any trackIR offset. The result is that the cockpit looks like it's moving. I found the cockpit motion in Black Shark visually appealing but didn't help.

    It's possible to put some lag into the head-cam, if I get a moment I'll try it. It would end up as a config option.
