Friday 12 August 2011

Game progression - Ranks

Just added these to the game. As part of your player profile progression that will at some point be flagged as active, both you and your AI buddies will be able to rank up through career milestones.

What does it mean? Not a lot, shiny new stars to polish, the threat of constant ridicule and at the upper tanks, the opening up of the campaign options that allow you to call in 'specials' which I won't go into except it involves asking high-command for aid which will 'draw an aid card' from the deck.  I considered gating mission editing for non-player crews until your 2nd or 3rd promotion but tossed this away as I don't want to turn it into a career climbing game. It's more decorative with a bonus mid-way for working hard.

AI crews on the other hand will have attributes that reduce the time required to find and engage targets (through the use of a metric I term "track_positive", a magnitude which is a combination of accumulated time from a sensor or direct line of sight contact provided by the TSensor class which degrades through loss of contact). As they rank up, they should find and engage quicker with improved survivability.

Player profiles and editing is almost completed, division patches added so far...

  • 1st Cavalry Division
  • 1st Infantry Division
  • 1st Armored Division
  • 2nd Infantry Division
  • 10th Mountain Division 
  • 12th Combat Aviation Brigade
  • 21st Cavalry Brigade
  • 82nd Airborne Division
  • 101st Airborne Division
  • 404th Air Brigade
  • 74th Flying Tigers
More to come later, I have patches and suggestions from the community that still need to be added.

The FCR is semi-operational thanks to the TSensor class which works efficiently for player and AI entities. This works equally well for line of sight as well as active sensors, the slow part is grabbing all viable entities in the sensor volume, this list is cached and can be later scanned for more precise or direct visibility checking. There's a player "padlock" mode (F4 default key) that will move your head to the nearest viable target in your "current field of view" only. With the cannon slaved to your HMS it can be all too easy to burn through 1200 rounds of 30mm. It's not uber accurate since you need to stabilise your flight path and give it time to settle over the area of the target. But any shells that miss tend to do AOE damage anyway. Will have to fine tune the damage and/or tie it to difficulty settings. Putting three pickups next to each other and hosing them with a 10 round bust will wreck one and seriously damage the others (a secondary explosion typically wrecking the next nearest one).

Couple of important things I still need to do, initial joystick configuration since I don't want folks having to use XML editors and I've broken a particle shader somehow (need to investigate that).

Once I've got the vehicle classes in the database (yes, somehow we missed that vital bit of information) the FCR should be classifying returns correctly then we can upload them to the TSD.

Update on new video

Sorry about the delay on a new video showing the firing range, it is coming but I hope you appreciate not a priority right now. Just rushing to tick off more features so I can get a functional build ready.


  1. No need to rush that new video, even though I`m eager to see some great in-game Apache footage. We know you are hard at work and youre regular updates let us gain deep insights. I visit youre blog a few times a day and I´m happy everytime if there is an update. Can`t forget about this project.
    I like the way you solve problems and it seems that you already have a solution or you have one in mind. Some times when I read about a topic I thought to myself: Oh yes, this have also to be considered!? Oh boy, the amount of task and things to do would killing me. And from where you take the energy to not being lazy and to work all day?
    I hope I don`t sound like an asskisser or something else, that is just what I have in mind about. Have a nice weekend!

  2. The work point, it's discipline. Also this project costs money, every month is more expense. Time really is money.

    There's a TON of things I'd love to be able to include or improve but don't have the resources to do so. To sit down and write some things from scratch would just lead to delays.

    Personally I think most people would have been bored by now. My blog was never meant to be a tease, I don't even advertise. This blog was a means to relay progress to other team members and any potentially interested investors.

    Nothing I can do about that. I'm not going to stop updates.

    Just need to keep focus on what we're doing here, which is bringing back what was good about PC combat simulations. Dave says I overcomplicate things, he's right. I'm my own worst critic.

    Anyway, thanks for the comments.

  3. Hey Flex,

    I think you certainly are bringing back what's great about PC combat sims. One of the main reasons I ever got into PC gaming (and why to this day, I still do not own a console system) was because of Janes Combat Simulations. Oh ad DID's EF2000. I'm glad with what you're doing and Eagle Dynamics efforts, it's coming back, strong. Can't wait to see your final product and you can count on me buying it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think, in this case, its good to be hard on yourself (demanding more, etc) to make something of quality and depth like Combat Helo.

  6. In order to show your appreciation; Flex is now accepting love letters, early valentine's day cards and second hand underwear!

    Cheers! :D

  7. Don't be shy, you are the Tom Jones of the flight sim community. :)


  8. Nice to see the team is in a good mood.
    This may a good time to talk about licensing fees for the use of my pink helmet in CH.
