Some pictures from the firing range "Operation Kickstart" (working title). Here I'm using the numpty targeting padlock mode, it's non too accurate if you're moving fast.
Padlock steers your head towards the selected target, if the gun is slaved to your HMS then pretty much where you look and pull the trigger 30mm will rain down (within constraints of your head and cannon). Labels optional.
Lets start with the old Duke at your staging field.
Leadwerks does trees, helo killing trees |
Testing structure damage |
Cannon depleted, lets head home |
Looks extremely fun
ReplyDeleteOh man.... the "flying in to the sunset" one is soooo niiiice.
ReplyDeleteNot looks good, Arma 3 looks better
WOW, great looking screenshots! I'm really hoping that the closed beta gets released VERY SOON. BTW, I have a question:
ReplyDelete- The label that appears in the bottom right corner (for example in the second picture counting from below it says "6x6 Cougar") represents what exactly?
ReplyDeleteYes, certainly ArmA3 looks better and will look better but I think there was never any doubts on that! But the major advantages of Combat-Helo will not be the graphics (at least I'm not expecting that) but the high fidelity of the avionics and flight model (ArmA3 will be arcadish in this regards as the other ArmA games) and of course the Dynamic Campaign. Anyway with that invented crap of of the "hybrid" Mi-28 with KA-50 of ArmA3 I have my doubts that I will buy that game (ArmA3). And like I said, I think the graphics of Combat-Helo are already GREAT, at least IMO.
Lol it was a joke, CH looks FANTASTIC.Always and everywhere.
ReplyDeleteBut we can not too much sugar ;)
:) I like how you compare a game that took teams of people and nearly 5 years of refinement...and probably a decent budget too. Here I am in my broom cupboard under the stairs working for an outfit can barley afford to keep me in pizza toast. Dave has been running on beer cans.
ReplyDeleteNar ne nar ne nar nar.
Hi Flexman, I think you may have missed my question which was, just for curiosity:
ReplyDeleteThe label that appears in the bottom right corner (for example in the second picture counting from below it says "6x6 Cougar") represents what exactly?
I'm sorry rick, yes I did miss the question.
ReplyDeleteThe Cougar6x6 just refers to the 6 wheeled version of these...
That text shouldn't be positioned there, what it's displaying is the in-game shorthand label.
It's a hint to tell me that the line-of-sight function has given priority to this vehicle for for visual tracking and padlocking. Typically this is the one nearest your direction of view.
Why are you hitting expensive wrecks when there are perfectly good schools, petrol stations, controlw towers and barns to be destroying?? muhahaha
Well AD the truth is I introduced a bug that gave all the structures millions of integrity points so I couldn't have done it in a reasonable time-frame even with infinite ammo :)
ReplyDeleteFixed it now. I tried to be efficient and pre-load the MeshModels with important data but it doesn't work well with structures. I should go test that now.
"...muhahaha..." no train, no fun ;(
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reply Flexman
ReplyDeleteNo probs rick. I hope to get the campaign up and running pretty quickly after the dust has settled. It's important to me too. Lot of work has been done already.
ReplyDelete@AD structures need some tweaking on my part. I added the school pic to this entry but here's the direct link.
There's some noticeable z-fighting on some rubble objects (material tweak should sort that). The school was surprising when the roof caved in. The sidewalls slide down, very strange effect as the old building model collapses leaving the wreck model in place. I'll have to fix that.
And we could probably throw in a lot more particle streamers for more "ooh ahhr" later.
First off all: This.Is.So.Awesome.Piece.Of.Work.
ReplyDeleteNext thing i'm thinking of is how are going to solve the cooperation between Gunner and Pilot in sigleplayer mode? Did you think about some simple voice recognition, commands like "engage", "fire" designate target" etc. etc.? It'd be most natural way of fighting in this great chopper.
Best regards from community
And a shoutback to the Yoyosims folks from me.
ReplyDeleteSince commands you'll give to your AI crewman can be issued by keyboard/joystick any voice recognition software you use should work. It would be better than me trying to add something natively.
I looked at doing this using the official Kinect SDK but since the SDK license states, "not for commercial use" I abandoned it. As it happens I was looking to add hand gesture control for MPDs via Kinect but it requires a distance of several feet between the camera and the subject (even with specs which increase the fov and reduces the distance). It would have been more like playing "Minority Report" than punching buttons, Kinect won't track fingers, only hand position and 'size'. So it would have ended up as a gimmick. Kinect voice support does look doable if Microsoft want to open up the license conditions.
Windows 7 has built in voice recognition.
Ok. THX :) These days i'm just a little behind with this project, win 7, and other technological stuff:)
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Looking forward to take a ride.
ReplyDeleteThough, we need some human models on the ground to. Hopefully we get some later...
Yes armed soldiers in a-10 look fantastic.
ReplyDeleteagreed about the kinect flex.... as usual, anything having to do with "thumb boxes" is crappy and cheap and the licenses are restrictive.
ReplyDeleteI proudly dont own any of them LOL. They cant compare to a PC for what I want and thats a sim.
so by finally you meant that we will try the beta soon? I hope it's not a close beta because lots of us were keeping an eye on this project and are potential buyers. You can always choose to get feedback from people with technical background.
ReplyDeleteI think I need to clarify the situation since interest is moving beyond a small clique of enthusiasts who follow my personal (and I stress personal) developers blog.
ReplyDeleteTo me, with a background in QA and software development, beta has many subtle levels. Software goes through a chain of validation. To gamers it can mean near finished software a little rough around the edges. And it's true it can mean that. Which is why I stress closed beta so I can validate aircraft systems and just basic platform stability across a small managable cross section.
In this case a couple of pilots/crewmen and a few others who have been helping in the background. All techincal and qualified. And when we're happy with the changes that come out of the first closed beta I'll open it out a bit more.
But I need to stress that this is for the Shooting Range only. Work to complete the Afghan campaign won't resume until the Firing Range preview has been released.
The firing range is intended as a means to allow fans to support completion of the full game, or not as they choose. My concern is giving people value and a good simulation experience so please understand if I'm somewhat careful.
Combat-Helo isn't as simple as something like Minecraft, it's actually a very complex interaction of systems that in areas goes way way beyond typical game programming.
Once the foundations are reasonably solid we'll have something we can build on. Certainly working on it as fast as we can and trying to get it out to you all.
or you're suffering from pre-post-partem depression.