Wednesday 31 August 2011

Radar - A Discussion

I thought I'd do something unusual since the previous blog entry sparked a bit of conversation about radar and capability.

What do we know about the Longbow FCR Fire Control Radar?

The Longbow radar system is the mast mounted dome structure, easily observable (the same dome is also used in the Longbow UTA system for controlling UAVs but for the rest of this entry we'll assume it's housing the FCR) .

The FCR antenna has a mechanical offset arrangement but electronically scans a wedge. It has two primary modes of operation, ground tracking and air search with a number of variations for ground. Other snippets relating to ground modes can be found here..

The range for ground tracking mode is fixed at 8km and air search mode is I understand to be half that (inverse square law of radio wave propagation).

Janes Longbow was my bible for a while but clearly the 25km range settings on the radar are an interesting estimation of capability.

Combat-Helo will feature just the AIR and GTM mode and maybe an RMAP mode later if I can mock up something that looks reasonable.

To pick up on ric's comment...

BTW, I remember that when playing both Jane's Longbow 2 and modded (more realistic) EECH that when we lock a target in the FCR the type name of that target ("M1 Abrams" for example) appeared in a upper right display (I forgot that display's name). If this is what happens in real life than there must be some sort of database that stores the radar signatures for all known types of targets. What remains to be confirmed is if this feature (in Jane's Longbow 2 and EECH) is realistic or not?

The upfront display showing the target ID was totally, 100% a game conceit. For which I'm partly responsible for persisting. I spent a lot of time researching for the official EECH game manual and on occasion suggested  how to blend authenticity with game mechanics. Remember at the time the bible on the subject was the seminal Janes branded Longbow, so it did share some features. They helped present important information to the player nothing more.

AD writes...

Again it's speculative, but I'm guessing the FCR simply looks at the size of the radar return and estimates a tonnage, then looks for generic vehicle feature returns such as wheels/barrels/turrets etc. Then it compares the feature and displacement returns with a database of generic vehicle types and provides an estimation of what it is.

If the FCR could identify the difference between say, an M1A1 and a T-72, then you'd have the basis of an IFF system. I'm sure the FCR page on the MPD would display different symbology for the two vehicles, or better still, a label, instead of just the generic H symbol for both.

There's a lot of problems with this. Labels are BAD things to have in small letters in a vibrating cockpit. Difficult to read.

I'm a systems guy so I'm in my element here. I built my first home computer at the age of 12 before my school had one. Then at 15 I built a weather satellite receiver complete with software so I could see my country from space. Making boxes talk to each other is something I had fun with at an early age, certainly my parents didn't know what I was up to and since I got teased at school for being a 'professor' I learned to play dumb early on.

With radar, the key to pulling out object details is wavelength, this also limits range and penetration.

Millimetric radar is a good frequency as it can pick out small detail, it's used (for example) at airports for foreign object detection, it can pick out moving objects from the background, sense cloud, rain, fog for weather radar applications. It was also why I wanted a tree/vegetation system capable of collisions over a large distance (to attenuate signal returns realistically).

Inverse square law of wave propagation says energy dissipates with range quite rapidly. With MMW (millimetre wave) radar you need less energy, however atmosphere and terrain adds scattering from water and dust in into the mix and this works in BOTH directions. Different frequencies give different penetration of atmospheric conditions.

Here's a page reference to a book on the subject with a study on medium and freq.

Keep in mind that a lot of signal processing is required because the signal return contains A LOT of information. It's not a black and white picture where you can see a turret, or a wheel. It's a sea of fluctuations that contain everything in-between.

Here you have a radar supplying a stream of data to a frame store.

Just picture what it's doing for a second. An antenna beam sweeps left to right, right to left, at different elevations sending signals returned from backscatter, dust, rocks, metal, walls. Everything without pause.

So you have a frame buffer with a lot of raw data, what happens to it?

A computer running software will filter out a lot of the unwanted bits. Always lagging behind the radar feed. It will search through the frame buffer looking for tell-tales that might suggest that part of the buffer is a structure or has been absorbed by rain, or hit a hard metal entity.  Such indicators would come from a list or database, it might be a collection of peaks that in a certain combination like the chemical signatures contained in light. Whatever the format you would have *a clue*. Something software can look more closely at.

Combine it with a number of other clues, you would know the signal strength, the distance, angle, from which you can inference movement, is this a strong metallic object? How tall? Peaks would indicate structure, a combination would be a crib into structure type. Relative height of peaks might yield orientation. No one thing would give you an answer but in combination over seconds of processing you're in a position to generalise IF you have a key. And that key would come from known vehicles.

( I digress: Remember Airwolf's epileptic fit inducing target database search? What was quite funny in that show was that Airwolf would often identify the target incorrectly.)

By simple implication of the physical arrangement and description of  function of these kinds of radar systems, you can deduce there is some database used to flag RCS returns as "returns of interest". I don't know if that's a real term as I just made it up, it could equally work in banking.

While it would be possible to include cribs for 'technicals' I'm guessing it would require an expensive engineering program to do this, as a programmer myself such specialist updates can be quite expensive.

But there are inherent dangers in expanding such databases. After all, a civilian vehicle with a large metallic load might conceivably exhibit a threat signature. From a simple back of the envelope cost vs risk factor, I wouldn't authorise cheques for such a program especially in the light of the development of more important upgrades.

I can see you

The current MTADS/TEDEC Arrowhead system yields much improved visual imaging at higher resolution at greater ranges. Imaging can show heat from power lines, people and vehicles. These are much more beneficial in terms of reducing crew risk and collateral damage.

Engagement doctrine usually requires *visual identification* so any tools such as auto classification are simply that, tools. Crews are not button pushing monkeys they are trained to use *all* the tools available to them and communicate with other elements. Professionals.

Game stuff

Last night while developing code to aggregate sensors for the game...this involves making units share an AABB or axis aligned bounding box, which is the sum total of the groups 'awareness' volumes. I discovered the scan volume for the ground radar maximum sweep is the same as the scan volume for air radar. Or so it is in Combat-Helo.

This shared group sensor volume is part of a culling process that occurs over time. If an entity enters this volume, it does not mean it is seen by the group. It only gets added to a list which is later checked for angle and visual line of sight (if applicable). I also take into account how long an object is sighted and this 'confidence' value decays over time. This also deals with entities tested if they happen to pass behind single trees, they don't get removed from the list unless they decay 100%.

Group sensor volume checks are staggered in a fashion similar to how you process cellular automata sand games, not all are processed every single frame but instead are cascaded and prioritised. This way, the number of units with active sensors should scale it up so you can have a rich real-time battlefield of emitters and receivers.

Friend or Foe?

If you look at photos of the Apache flight controls you can just make out the FCR mode selector. The 360 Apple Quicktime cockpit tour of the Mk1 Apache provided by the MoD is where we took our cockpit images. Mason Electric had a PDF brochure of the hand grips but I can't find a working link.

The Apache FCR has multiple modes which I think one was asked about recently...RMAP is a rectangular version of the FCR aids the pilot by adding vertical seperation by arranging tracks in a rectangular format. And probably has a zoom feature too like the fore mentioned F15 ground radar. This was the only FCR mode I was adding for time reasons and I'll create my version of RMAP later.

The FCR as presented in Combat-Helo does come with a FoF mode for rookie gamers (everything colour coded).  It's a total fabrication but I do endeavour to add gaming elements for the new to simulation crowd, here it is...

FoF mode active on my test range
It's important not to be exclusive in combat simulations so I don't consider these things as a waste of time. Quite the opposite.

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies

I'm going to have a little soapbox time since it touches upon some of the above and thanks to a Discovery Channel programme about the Westland Merlin helicopter, a possible lack of hubris with these kinds of technologies.

The issue I have with auto classification/fof assignment in the digital space is seemingly little to no safeguard. Once software has made a decision about a flagged entity and this is passed though a network there's little time or incentive to backtrack. With databases there's always a trail so you can follow all transactions but often they are slow and difficult to get at.

Tests show people are more likely to trust information from a computer. It's on the computer and computers know more than you do, they don't have emotions, ambition, they just take cold hard data, run programs and tell you what you want. They they can't lie.



Let me tell you a story. Actually a story about a story.

Michael Crichton wrote a book about a dinosaur theme park and like many of his novels featured a theme park where technology is out of control. OK that's a novel turned Hollywood movie franchise, what has that got to do with anything? What elevates Jurassic Park in the sub-genre of "technology gone bad" was the well observed suggestion (and examples are given in the novel) that technology is most dangerous when it gives us the illusion of control. Jurassic Park the novel (not the movie) warns us that computers can deliver perfectly solid 100% accurate information and still lie.

Let me tell you a real story where this happened (but still kind of Dinosaur related).

In 2005 at a Texas oil refinery operated by BP, 15 oil workers were killed when a unit overflowed and exploded. The computers at the time happily reported the fluid level was at the top of the sensor just three meters high in the fact the fluid level was way above above sensor near the top of the tank, overflowing down a gas vent pipe, past 3 pressure valves, into and filling up another tank where it spewed out into the open air where the highly volatile liquid landed and ignited on a nearby truck. Massive explosion, resulting in loss of life. The sensor gauge was accurate, the computer displayed the level as recorded without any indication of danger.

(Dinosaurs = oil, yes? In case the link wasn't clear.)

Russian Helicopter Radar

A final note about the Russian use of ground radar on their helicopters.

The Russian Mi-28N was said to be equipped with both millimetric and centimetric radar which added to weight and complexity. The centimetric FH-01 was housed in a radome similar to the Longbow and mast mounted on a Ka-50-N "Nochnoy" (night).

I had some photos from a Paris air show showing what was probably a mock-up of the two radars, if I find them I'll post them here.

Friday 26 August 2011

Sanding off some of the rough edges

Really busy week going finding lots of loose ends and fixing them. The switch from SDL to DirectInput was made flawlessly improving hardware support no-end. General GUI tweaks were made to make things more consistent. I found a lot of unused TSD code which used an orthographic camera render, makes me wonder how much more there is lurking.

FCR symbology had a pass (Dave sent me an updated vehicle database but I'd lost it in a sea of desktop files, now resolved). It was good to see the symbols popup. A range selector is missing, that's now added to the frighteningly long list of immediate issues to resolve. At least they are small things that can be ticked off rather than whole new features requiring weeks of work.

An early scoreboard / laptop terminal will be added shortly, that's the final game glue component needed for a firing range game cycle. It bookends the flying part in an open-ended way and now the FCR/TSD glyphs are populated and we have all the necessary object data in our database I can go ahead and work on this.

Would this be classed as a wheeled vehicle
or air defence unit?

Sorry, graphics from my programmer art sand-box
* not a production map *

Calibrating ranges and checking LOS by placing
entities in the game world. 8km max

One major issue still to resolve, the physics / flight model integration.

I had chance to study a lot of future campaign and AI code and have some exciting ways to get more bang per buck using 'sand'. Or rather the way sand games optimise performance, the connected node structure of the campaign lends itself perfectly to some of the methods used in these games.

Potentially a lot of air search radar units can impact performance which will be vital to deal with when it comes to scaling up the engine for season 2.0

The GUI could  use some more spot graphics, medals and rank insignia come to mind.

"We have cows" - Pure3Ds Cows liven up
my test zone. I am pleased with Cow.

And Finally

During the summer holidays my kids and I had a pet project to create an iPhone game in 48 hours. They hadn't seen much of me sadly, but I wanted to give them the taste of the creative joy that comes with making digital content. We have a working game with a lot of place holder graphics and some amusing encounters. It was a ton of fun to just create something from nothing in such a short amount of time, it's something you don't get on projects that last 2 to 5 years. We licensed music and some sound effects from the BBC, some effects were created Foley style (such as 1 pounds coins being dropped onto a pillow for the purchase sound).

It's really quite a nice mobile game which will probably end up on the Apple store when the girls finish their Manga characters. The bear looks fantastic, I'm really proud of the effort they made.

I think I was able to get across the idea of 'gamestate', device centric input (fat thumbs in small spaces = less stuff), sprite atlases, legal issues about assets and new swear words when something doesn't compile. Another important idea I try to convey is that of speed or flow, a game maintains a rhythm or cadence that is pleasing in human speech even if you don't understand the language. So we removed / rejected ideas that interrupted the natural flow except where demanded. If I ever get to afford to buy an iPad (replacing the sofa which has holes in it has priority) it should play quite well for a throw-away game that took just a few days to make.

King in 100 Days - Choose Your Next Move

King in 100 Days - Mercs from The Village

Friday 12 August 2011

Game progression - Ranks

Just added these to the game. As part of your player profile progression that will at some point be flagged as active, both you and your AI buddies will be able to rank up through career milestones.

What does it mean? Not a lot, shiny new stars to polish, the threat of constant ridicule and at the upper tanks, the opening up of the campaign options that allow you to call in 'specials' which I won't go into except it involves asking high-command for aid which will 'draw an aid card' from the deck.  I considered gating mission editing for non-player crews until your 2nd or 3rd promotion but tossed this away as I don't want to turn it into a career climbing game. It's more decorative with a bonus mid-way for working hard.

AI crews on the other hand will have attributes that reduce the time required to find and engage targets (through the use of a metric I term "track_positive", a magnitude which is a combination of accumulated time from a sensor or direct line of sight contact provided by the TSensor class which degrades through loss of contact). As they rank up, they should find and engage quicker with improved survivability.

Player profiles and editing is almost completed, division patches added so far...

  • 1st Cavalry Division
  • 1st Infantry Division
  • 1st Armored Division
  • 2nd Infantry Division
  • 10th Mountain Division 
  • 12th Combat Aviation Brigade
  • 21st Cavalry Brigade
  • 82nd Airborne Division
  • 101st Airborne Division
  • 404th Air Brigade
  • 74th Flying Tigers
More to come later, I have patches and suggestions from the community that still need to be added.

The FCR is semi-operational thanks to the TSensor class which works efficiently for player and AI entities. This works equally well for line of sight as well as active sensors, the slow part is grabbing all viable entities in the sensor volume, this list is cached and can be later scanned for more precise or direct visibility checking. There's a player "padlock" mode (F4 default key) that will move your head to the nearest viable target in your "current field of view" only. With the cannon slaved to your HMS it can be all too easy to burn through 1200 rounds of 30mm. It's not uber accurate since you need to stabilise your flight path and give it time to settle over the area of the target. But any shells that miss tend to do AOE damage anyway. Will have to fine tune the damage and/or tie it to difficulty settings. Putting three pickups next to each other and hosing them with a 10 round bust will wreck one and seriously damage the others (a secondary explosion typically wrecking the next nearest one).

Couple of important things I still need to do, initial joystick configuration since I don't want folks having to use XML editors and I've broken a particle shader somehow (need to investigate that).

Once I've got the vehicle classes in the database (yes, somehow we missed that vital bit of information) the FCR should be classifying returns correctly then we can upload them to the TSD.

Update on new video

Sorry about the delay on a new video showing the firing range, it is coming but I hope you appreciate not a priority right now. Just rushing to tick off more features so I can get a functional build ready.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

And finally...

Some pictures from the firing range "Operation Kickstart" (working title). Here I'm using the numpty targeting padlock mode, it's non too accurate if you're moving fast.

Padlock steers your head towards the selected target, if the gun is slaved to your HMS then pretty much where you look and pull the trigger 30mm will rain down (within constraints of your head and cannon). Labels optional.

Lets start with the old Duke at your staging field.

Leadwerks does trees, helo killing trees
Testing structure damage

Cannon depleted, lets head home

Monday 1 August 2011

Screenshot of the day

Continuing the erroneously titled screenshot-of-the-day weekly spot, I present some images I just pulled from my programmer art test area with all the graphics settings turned up a notch.

We own the night, or at least rent it
This is the detailed external cockpit view, working gauges
We have an anaglyph shader somewhere too
Tank park for gunnery testing
A hidden game exit portal
"Black Helicopter"
RTS anyone? Lets me visually inspect splash damage.

I'll be testing the structure demolition in the firing range production map shortly, more screen-shots will follow later.