Sunday 5 September 2010

New video finally ... free flight

Finally a video showing the free flight mode we really wanted to show at Summer Sim 2010. Thanks AD for doing an amazing job of making it all look good.

Sorry about the lack of blade-cam, LUA object reference problems made it awkward to do. Maybe next time.


  1. The Mk1 flight model is supposed to be a LB2 alike to quite passable for your average punter. It was never meant to be anything more. Can't wait till we get the new FM sorted out.

    The plan is to have crewman's head movements reflect their game input movement, if they are using TrackIR you'll see the back of their head moving around.

    It's all be designed for multi-crew co-op from the get-go. I can't wait to play what we have laid out. Thanks for the kind words.

  2. WOW!!! This is just........WOW! :-D Amazing. Everything. Cant believe it looks so damn good! I dont know how You did it, but I really have the "old sims" feeling from this. Just feeling, because graphics are awesome! Question: for me it seems there is something wrong with IHADSS altimeter. Sorry I know its WIP. Just asking if its still something to be finished or its the way how it works. I love that first person style arming. Its very dynamic and easy to use. The range of movement with Track IR is also perfect. Cockpit is just best Apache cockpit Ive seen so far, lighting, MFDs and ............ and I will shut up already. :-) Great job. Cant wait to see the crew onboard and first screenshots of some engagements and weather conditions. Keep it up, because its unbelievable, what You already did.

  3. Nice one Rich. Looks great. Dont think the 720p does it enough justice regarding the detailing.
    Great work.

  4. The Radar ALT goes off above 1400 (ish) I have the precise figure in somewhere and it's also zeroed when you go beyond certain angles of roll (turns white) it's still not quite finished. It's a beam that's projected down under the aircraft till it hit something, ground, building, whatever. That's how it works in the sim except that I've not stabilised for aircraft roll yet.

    There's also the slip indicators, waypoint carets and bunch of other details to add to the HMD. There's actually quite a bit of the weapons symbology done already but of course it won't come up in any useful way until the aircraft has the weapon systems fully implemented. It has the "I" bar, LOAL/LOBL and Stinger seeker circles in already.

  5. Also, I forgot to add about the radar altimeter. I'm not sure about how it works but I'd guess that the real one does a 'slice' and takes a mean reading.

    Not something we're likely to do, every "raycast" eats cycles.

    Ours takes a point sample, the bar shows when the radar alt reads <200 feet. That's why you see it bouncing a lot over the city as it's picking up walls, rooftops and flat ground.

  6. Thank You Flexman. Now I feel a little stupid. I could have think about for a little longer... thanks.

  7. WOW...Is excellent...OMG...I don´t have words!!!...Un saludo de CHILE!

  8. Glad you enjoyed it. Be even better when we get the mk2 flight model installed with the proper weight calculations.

    If I took the payload weight into consideration and didn't make the engines overpowered it would never get off the ground :) where's the fun in that?

    I send my regards to Chile!

  9. It's awesome to see moving pictures of CH and I'm really looking forward to this one!

    Apache Air Assault is already going to fill the gap for the "casual AH64 simmer" (and according to pictures it could excel in doing so) and this niche is probably filled by the time CH is released. So I'm glad CH is coming along a little more "hardcorish" and will hopefully find its market and get the attention it deserves by the ppl waiting for a worthy successor of LB2.

    Cheers, very good job!

  10. I'm quite looking forward to that game too. Looks really pretty. I love to sit down with PS3 to relax for a bit.

    I wish we had a budget like that for a game, we could really knock some heads. The next iteration of the 3D engine we're using will supposedly compile on console platforms but you need a developer license.

  11. Will a single player be able to play a canpaign? Are you considering a european theater? Really looks good.

    Considering sims like Falcon.... would you consider this FM and avionics in par with a "study sim" like that?

  12. Really cool! Thanks for great vid!
