Tuesday 20 July 2010

Flare, flare...no look a flare

Congratulations to ArtDave (AD, geddit) for scaring the poo out of me.

He tells me he's been scripting the flare pen (Gyrojet), I'm so busy heads-down in game code I'm often grunting and throwing back idle comments and ideas to get his flare launching LUA code to work.

Then he sends me his completed files. I'm taking a late afternoon break and thought I'd drop his new files into the project to have a look. So I pull over the gyrojet flare pen into the scene editor, I had no idea my speakers were on so loud. I thought a bomb had gone off, the almighty flash and bang/wheeeeeeeeeeee of the flare scared the crap out of me.

This is just too much fun to play with. Animation, sound, lighting. Nicely scripted. Great work Dave, I suppose we're even for farmyard animal noises I put into your cockpit.


  1. :-DDDDD reminds me of something similar, what happened to me. Funny stuff, right? Hope Your heart will make it till the end of production. :-D Anyway....flare looks beautiful. Maybe too much smoke? :-o Its easy to play smart, but I dont have a simple idea how to script such a thing. It means = great job = trash my comment about smoke. Over & out.

  2. Here's a video of the real one being launched.


    Also here is a close-up at 0:51


    You're right about the smoke. It has since been toned down significantly.

    The scripting side of things was very interesting and it's nice not only to create a completed art/game item but also to come away with a flare class we can load willy nilly, assign a force vector and watch it automatically take care of it's smoke, light, corona and finally send itself to the bit-bucket.

    LUA's not so bad after all.

