Saturday 24 July 2010

Astrasim Expo 2010

If you're in the UK on August the 28th and can make it to RAF Cosford for the Astrasim Expo flight simulation show, there's a chance that one of the more haggard and tired members of the Combat-Helo development team (me) will be hanging around Komodo Simulations.

Some of my favourites will be there, Sky Blue Radio, Flightstore (who were always good at sorting out my Saitek woes).

So fingers crossed we get the demo completed in good time and hopefully we can pair it  up with Rich's replica Apache cyclic and collective prototypes.

Fingers crossed, all being well, see you there. Did I mention the show admission is free?


  1. Hmm the Apache cyclic and collective... will they be for retail as well? Or only a private project? I'm interested :D

  2. They are prototypes, but I understand they will be available for sale eventually.

    There's a thread at SimHQ here...not much in the way of photos yet...
