Saturday 17 July 2010

CSEL (Combat Survivor/Evader Locator)

Dave completed more of the survival equipment, looking really good. The concept is simple, if you need to perform an emergency landing and leave your helo, the CSEL can be activated and will mark the location on everyone's tactical situation display. The signal flare may be use to mark your position visually.

More up close pictures in the SimHQ thread here

I spun off a new shader to do the MPD video mixing. The symbology layer needed to mask the video layer using its alpha channel which was a five min job.

Ideally I'd like to pass a "brightness" value to the shader but as the material is used for five displays which have their own settings, the symbology level is set by the alpha value.

Here's the completed shader mixing sources and masking.


  1. Let's face it, the Apache has never seen this level of avionic detail in a sim before.

    Feel free to put yourself into smug mode and go do the ironing.

  2. Thank you Lister :)

    I'm not sure what that *1 and *2 is at the bottom.

    The are on/off toggles, next to what is either the cabin temp or outside temp and the environmental control (air con I guess).

    So could be some demister or air blower toggle? Either way they don't seem relevant to implement so I'll probably remove them.

    Unless it's the elusive Generator switches. Might be handy to put them there.

  3. Agree with Alpha. Amazing. MpD combined with night lighting looks incredible. And I love the idea behind emergency landing and surviving. Great stuff as always.

  4. The item on the left looks suspiciously like lipstick... anything you care to share, Flex?
