Wednesday 18 November 2009

LE 2.3 Preview Video - LUA Scripting and Editor

After a bit of a break I started working on cramming in avionics, beginning with the MPD class (MPD is Multi Page Display). Initially I made the mistake of adding the class to THelicopter. Each helicopter has five MPDs (two rear, three front), that's 5x512x512 possible image surfaces, and multiply that for each helicopter in the mission file (typically 8 atm)...opps. A few too many. It's the natural thing to do, helicopters have HUDS and MPDS, therefore they should posses these classes? It's common sense, no? Except it doesn't quite work out that as these classes deal mostly with drawing and you only need one of them, you the player only want to see your HUD and MPDs, you have no interest in drawing them for every single helicopter. Maybe I shouldn't be allowed breaks.

So like the THUD class, TMPD is a client specific class updated only when required. Assigned on mounting a helo and removed on dis-mounting.

In the meantime, here is the recently posted video showing off the integrated object scripting with LUA in the new 2.3 LE Editor.

That's looking quite fun.

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