Tuesday 24 November 2009

Alpha Mike Foxtrot

oday I took delivery of the first audio samples from mike meister Jim. Jim and his assembled team of voice talent are doing a fantastic job of bringing the AI characters to life and providing voices for the game.

Hopefully I can bring you some samples when we have the fully finished recordings, they really are fantastic and they don't even have all the audio layers in place.

Now hand up if you thought a torque instrument was just a bar and a number? Hmmm???

Well it's about a thousand times more complex and subtle than that. It's not linear. It's a series of ranges with flags and alerts for different engine and power regimes. But it looks like a boring old bar. You could fill two pages of a manual to cover it. What seemed a simple enough instrument escalated into a a new class for simulating the power-train, from compressor, power turbine and through to the main rotor...then a caution and warning system class. And it's pretty impressive for two bloody green bars that sometimes turn yellow then red. I suppose I'll have to do the rest of them now.

Even the transient timers are in place which inform you how long you're engines have been operating out of limits. There's more detail to add to the caution and warning system. It needs to send messages to the MPD engine panel to auto-show and switch the HYD/OIL panel to the caution and warning engine panel.

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