Saturday 22 October 2011

Rain Stops Play - Bangkok Floods

Dave who is the artist on Combat-Helo is currently in the process of evacuating his home in Thailand as the floods in Bangkok have made living difficult. With no fresh drinking water for days, no supplies in the shops and place of work closed, services breaking down it's time to jump ship.

Blue indicates server flooding (clearly) Red=flood defence

BBC carries the story here

Dave's last act before evacuating was uploading the latest Chinook work to our server alas there was no time to upload the PSDs. Good luck and fingers crossed we'll hear from you in a week or a month... :(


  1. Good luck Dave and I hope that you can get out from that situation as soon as possible.

  2. Best of Luck to Dave! Hold tight there!

  3. Combat Helo isn't worth drowning over. Good luck Dave.

  4. wow Dave... hope everything works out OK.
