Monday 25 April 2011

Screenshot of the day

Captured some nice screens while experimenting with depth of field and field of view. But this was my favourite.

While engaging a compound and dummy SAM site at point blank range, the first round just misses the mark, the other 9 rounds are not far behind.


  1. Them there hills have eyes......

  2. Nice screenie. DOF is definately something that adds to the 'experience'. One day when we have affordable eye tracking for PC/Consoles (kinect 3?) this might be possible in a flight sim. Look forward to it.

    The only current implementation I can currently see it used in is the MFDs camera/target tracking, especially at large slant angles with minimal zoom. The Focus should be set at the crosshair. Not sure of the focal lengths at various zoom levels on the AH64 though.

  3. btw, are those raindrops on the windscreen or did the crew chief forget to give it a good clean?

  4. I can't turn off the canopy rain fx. ATM will fix today.

    Never ever considered using dof for the Tads camera. It's a good idea. Are there any special considerations?

    @cyc The Hills Have Fricken Eyes indeed.

  5. the effect is cool... it does seem a bit too much "DOF"y to me though.

    Awesome work Flex and AD.

  6. The rock effect looks awsome upclose. One thing many sims have not done a good job of over the years if I may say so.

  7. Will it be possible to create wadis, river beds that have sheer rock faces each side, imagine a smaller version of the Grand Canyon with sheer rock walls? Good for masking when moving in on the enemy. Also good for the Taliban to hide in or move around in from one area to another.

    Another cool feature would be hill top forts. Can some building/wall objects be made destructible so they collapse under a heavy lead loads?
    Maybe I play to much BFBC2

  8. Photos excellent, I agree with jefffyd123 reduce DOF further to ~20% and will be perfect.Unless
    landscape in the distance is really far away.

  9. You ask about considerations DOF.My weak English, but I'll try to say something ;)
    I have two telescopes, and two binoculars,But I'm not a photographer.Imo there is no general "hard" assumptions .Everything depends on the photograph, given time, and each situation is unique.You can rely on your sense of,and will not be a problem.
    You can always post here pictures, and write some comments;)

  10. It makes for nice screen-shots but I can't play with it for long, gives me a headache.

    @cyc There's a dry riverbed on this map but not on the scale you're talking about. Having a mini grand canyon to sneak up on an enemy would rely on an enemy parking conveniently next to it....wait who am I talking to. *smacks hand to head*

    DOF has near and far parameters that can be set dynamically, pulling focus on anything you look at. It's hard on my eyes though. ATM there is a hot key to toggle it on/off (off by default).

  11. Destructible objects require a small army of artists, objects need a lot of rigging and stuff, even with physics engines that offer breakable objects (which we can't afford to license anyway).

  12. DOF is dependant upon 3 things.
    1) Distance from object to camera
    2) The aperture setting of the camera.
    3) The focal length of the lens

    If I am on a hill with say 3000m in view of the camera lens, using a spot focus point (i.e. A small point in the very centre of the lens is focusing) a wide apeture (F3.0 stop)will have the centre very sharp and provide a shallow depth of view (as in flex's screenie), a narrow aperture (F22) does the opposite.

    To be honest I don't think the targetting camera on the ah64 needs to be that sharp so I'm guessing it is permanently set to a high F stop. Zooming in and out will affect the DOF though as a 20mm lens (wide) is able to capture more of the picture in sharp focus than a 500mm lens.

    I'm sure Ive bored you enough, sorry photography is a hobby of mine.

  13. Can you increase the DOF setting on the camera proportional to zoom level? If you can then try it out and see how it looks.

  14. Flexman not add the additional work;)
    Such details can be complemented with already after the final release version, just because they are a nice addition to the whole.

    Btw Druid Long ago I used a telephoto lens 1000mm Cassegrain
    as a telescope-great stuff;)

  15. Thanks all for the feedback. And thanks Druid for breaking down the essential data. I'll keep it in mind when I have another go at it.

    I have a glass alpha issue to solve for the MPDs and video underlay.

  16. We have more waddies than you can shake a stick at on the Herat map. It also has a pretty decent canyon AKA the river.

    Waddies with sheer faces are a bit more difficult. The terrain tile resolution is 10m's so a sheer face would mean a 10M deep waddie.

    Hilltop forts and firebases are something I really want to include. Firebases/forts controlling greenzones was something we discussed long ago as part of the campaign dynamics.


  17. thats great that the DOF is switchable... IMO if it is on it should be very subtle... barely perceptible.

    Great idea for the waddies... just more spots to sneak around in. If they can be done thats a nice addition, if not oh well.
