Tuesday 12 April 2011

Dave, it's raining.


  1. Obviously you can't play a game that wobbles around like that, it's really only good for making videos or external beauty cams.

    I have some code for a 'wobble cam' using cubic splines ready to go in which won't be as natural maybe. Josh Klint had an idea for recording a dot position on screen while using a hand held camera which doesn't seem like a a bad idea at all. Not sure how you could capture rotation from a dot. Three dots maybe...wait a min, that's what TrackIR does. Hmmmm.

  2. Amazing Flex. Again. :-) Looks awesome. Its awesome even more, that the wipers work. Great job. Maybe if that random appearing and disappearing of rain drops on the canopy will be done in shorter intervals, it will look more real. :-o Whad do You think?

  3. The rain drops will run down the window once you get upto speed.


    It'd be nice to have an intermediate stage for the side windows when not moving, but we're well beyond the gravy stage on this one.


  4. Question is, how much processing time do you want devoted to rain drops? This is a fast almost costs nothing effect but to devote resources to it to create realistic (and I'm all for impressionistic rather than visual realism as it's a better tool to express feelings and emotions)...seems a tad misplaced.

  5. It'll be done when it's done. Probably not in two weeks.

    I got a sweet message today, this video shown to a room of Apache pilots thought it was real footage for about 10 seconds. Crappy iPhone recording probably covers up a multitude of sins.

  6. Again, modesty-IMO 95% of people would think is a real apache, myself included;)

  7. I, too, thought it might have been real, until I saw the rotor animation.

    Overall a good night for shutting her down and getting a cup of joe.
