Saturday 2 October 2010

Not a good sign - drive IO failiure

Another disaster strikes, PC wont boot at all. Strange thing happens on the BIOS screen, the moment any attempt to detect any drives (and I tried a few different drives that I know were fine), a bright underscore character appears under the circled comma (picture above).

So apart from my laptop I'm now without a working PC and no means to fix it atm :/


HDD controller on the board seems to be kaput. So until I can afford a new one don't expect any updates from me in a while :/

Out of the blue a nice fella from Foxconn has offered some help sorting out my hardware needs. I'd like to extend a big thank you to him and Foxconn.

So with any luck we'll be un and running again soon.


  1. The talaban have hacked your system.

  2. Almost all the hardware issues I've ever had with PCs have been related to mobo drive controllers. GL with it Flex.

  3. Hey Flex, sorry to hear of the troubles. Since I am eagerly anticipating Combat Helo, and would like to avoid any further delays, may I suggest getting your next mobo from EVGA. They have a lifetime warranty (you must register the part to get the warranty) and excellent customer service. My past 3 mobo's and 3 video cards were all from them.

  4. Hey, maybe EVGA would consider sponsoring Combat Helo!

  5. Well I've been wanting to work more with hardware developers. I like EVGA now you mention it. I have a new 3D card from them and they have a really nice tool I used for monitoring video ram usage when developing Combat-Helo.

    So I'll try the sponsorship approach. I don't see how else I can get this moving atm. I'm sort of at the end of my financial rope here. You're not supposed to talk about such things in public but I'm a totally honest person and these things are part of the process.

    That fact that your past Mbs and video cards came from them suggests you're very happy with them. Our game certainly needs good hardware to get the max out of it. The screenshots I post don't have all the pretty features enabled except where stated.

    I wouldn't mind working with Thrustmaster or Saitek more, but they don't seem interested in returning emails :/

    Lets see how things go.

  6. Flex I know you're not the sort to ask for help, but what do you think of this? allows you to put up a widget to raise funds for a specific purpose. Maybe people could donate their way into your beta program and help you get a motherboard in the process?

    I created one just now and did a bit of research, they seem legit. (note: please DO NOT donate to this, it's just a test!)

    Cheers BH (ruprecht)

  7. Hi there,
    I'm webmaster on Croatian LoCk On /DCS support and I've just recently discovered your project. It is interesting and cool beyond description. I would like to help, but my resources and knowledge are very scarce.
    I've decided to post a comment cos I have two controllers that I do not use or need, and are too cheap to be bothering to sell them. One is PATA for PCI, and other SATA for PCI-e (short). I can send them to you for free, no obligations, as long as you keep up with your work :)
    If interested, please register at my forum and send me a PM

  8. Thanks "BH", I'll consider it. I had a look at that service and set-up an example like you did (lunch money, nice).

  9. @BabaLooey aka Renato, that's very decent of you, I'm quite moved actually. I'll try and stop by later today and register to say thank you.

  10. No problem, they are useless to me, and I'm thrilled by your work - you will have better use of them then I :)

  11. Just to update, and I edited the blog entry above. A nice offer of a new m/b came out of the blue (well via the Leadwerks community as it happens) to replace my knackered one.

    Kind of leaves me wondering though what will happen unless we get a pool of funds to deal with other things. We had a good opportunity in the summer to raise some much needed capital. What I need is a business manager :)
