Monday 12 December 2011

Bogged Down - Chin Up

 I apologise for lack of updates, long time since the last one (weeks it seems although I have two unpublished ones which are no longer relevant). I've been avoiding online spaces during this time, work has been bogged down with the multitude of tasks not just relating to the Combat Helo game.

I'm working on the flight model again this week so don't expect any updates in a while. I did get started on an updated FAQ and will publish that ASAP. Lots of things happen around this time of year with concerts and church services, when you have a musical family there's a lot of evenings taken up with those.

So I don't know when we'll have something to show for all this work. It'll happen when it happens, there's no budget to finish and I've got huge debts that require me to stop at some point and take time off to do other work.

On the plus side I did get a nice pressie from one of my brothers which is going to buy a nice cheap car (sensible, used K car but importantly has a working HEATER, a nice to have feature for UK winters). Something to be said for being happy just by virtue of being in a car that's warm.

"Do you know what’s killing Western democracy, George? Greed, and constipation. Moral, political, aesthetic. The economic repression of the masses institutionalized." - Bill Haydon from John le Carré's  Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 1974.


  1. life catching up to you eh???????

    take your time, BUT, while you're sitting in traffic in your warm car:
    1. code a fully operational Nav computer
    2. make the cp/g a hot girl.

    the last comment is interesting... my eyes have been opening to some things in that vein.

    Also, there is a remake of this series that came out recently.

    good to see you again Dave

  2. Life has a habit of doing that. Got a lot of emails to catch up on too.

    Writing out Christmas cards atm.

    Every get the feeling life is passing you by? And what's with all the Combat-Helo cracks and stuff appearing on YouTube? They are all fake links, nobody has it.

  3. Nice to have some update. Have you seen that thread on SIMHQ?:
    We are really want to help you financialy. That project should not die, pls!

    About the remake of that film. I like the trailer so far and the actor Oldman. Great to see Tom Hardy as well.

  4. Well, they are scammers: it's what they do.
    I'd be more interested in seeing how many people fell for it, and of those how many are really interested in this sim.

  5. master criminals...
    advertising a crack for an app that doesnt exist.

    Im approaching 50, so yes, I get that feeling. LOL. hug the kids... at least you have them.

  6. It really doesn't help having bug fixes in an engine that are not fully documented which in turn subtly changes behaviour of other key functions.

    That pretty much sealed the fate and the decision to adopt Unity for the next game. I don't mind updates and fixes but when changes are not detailed, documented or tested against other functions you can't work with that.

  7. Untested and undoc'd "upgrades" eh?

    Ill make sure to thank Leadwerks for that.

    Makes you wonder... why they would shoot themselves in the foot by completely porking the best project they had going.

    can you still dev the sim without them?

  8. errrrm... what I mean is without the upgrades/fixes... staying with the older version?

  9. Some code such as avionics are engine agnostic (for the most part) but we're committed for now.

    Behind the scenes we have been dabbling with a huge paged terrain system driven by Unity as proof of concept. For any sequel we're ready with solutions for all the remaining problems we have in creating historical battles. Infinite terrain in Unity at a detail level that is both pleasing aesthetically and shouldn't require too much hands-on editing is the biggest challenge.

    So we have made efforts to move towards more stable ground for any future projects without having to sacrifice anything except time of course, which I don't have.

    I can't go back to the previous engine build as it fixed a major bug I had involving incorrect scene culling of parts of the helicopter (rotors making the hull vanish at some angles). It was a fix I was waiting for. But the fix seems to have involved changing the hierarchy of the models in some undocumented way. I need to find out what this was and how it affected Key storage.

  10. BTW I'm currently unable to work as I'm currently posting from my mother's house, she's very old and my brother who cares for her is in hospital. So I'm away from home currently.

    On the plus side she has a HUGE hi-def TV 1080p I've been running the game on. Quite impressive I thought.

    It was about a year ago we said goodbye to my eldest brother. This is fast becoming my least favourite time of year but my kids make it all worthwhile. The littlest one messages me on Skype to say how much she's missing me. Awwww.

  11. Yeah a kid makes all more worth living. My daughter is 18 month old and not a day without laughing.

  12. I play on a 60" tv and it really is wonderful. A-10 is really brought to life.... the TV was talking to me the other day saying how much it wishes it had a nice apache sim to display.

    sorry to hear about your brother.

    Its good you're taking some time off from devving the sim... enjoy the kids for the holidays.

  13. It's certainly made me appreciate getting old and how difficult it can be to give quality care. And also where my stubbornness and self-martyrdom comes from.

    At least I can play some Lord of the Rings online here. Trucking around on the Laurelin RP-EN server as Numfundle or Fendlewick in the evening for the odd hour.

  14. I'm also looking forward travelling home and spending christmas with my family.

    Take your time out and relax. But please continue, its so amazing what you have done so far.

    Merry Christmas to all of you.

  15. Cheers fellas. How's your day been? Been great here so far. Quality time with the kids, good food, crazy funny Steve Jackson card games and re-runs of Sons of Guns.

  16. Hot sunny Christmas in the southern hemisphere, family and ice cold beer :) have an awesome Christmas guys

  17. mine was relaxing.... glad to hear all of you had a nice xmas.

  18. Hi Flex. Havent posted anything for some time, but still keeping an eye on the progress. :-) I see a great things ahead of You with Your project. :-) Wanted to wish You post-Merry Christmas and enjoy Your New Year´s Eve.
