Wednesday 23 February 2011

FLT - pitch ladder

The pitch ladder (sometimes called the artificial horizon) represents the aircraft's angle of bank (left/right) and the angle of pitch (forward/back) relative to the ground.

The finishing touch was to add numerics on the ladder. Now it's looking nearly complete.

And again with the video underlay. I tried it with masked numbers (darkened background) but found that it doesn't look as nice. Digits are aligned correctly with the doglegs on the ladder.

The pop-up repeater is shown bottom right.


  1. I'm wetting my pants with the latest updates :)

    Do you have any idea when you want to release?

  2. I don't have a good idea about a release date, there are funding issues still unresolved.

    It will either be this year sometime, or parked until it can be funded again.

    Best case would be a summer beta. It's achievable.

  3. i can't wait ! :)

    keep it up
