Monday 3 May 2010

Multi-Page Displays - WEP Gun Submode *update*

All actions relating to the AH64D go though a message receiver. Player mount, dismount, ground crew arming, lights, AI commanding and (getting to the point) virtual cockpit interactions.

The MPD button naming convention of "MPD_1_17" refering to MPD 1 (pilot left) and key 17 (counting from top left) that gets sent to the input handler for that MPD.

Key messages can originate from the client or network. I had to add a source ID to account for situations where one person in the same vehicle has authority over some function.

The keys and knobs are all working well, interacting with the avionics. I've removed some of the more obscure items and checking authenticity of some elements. Had to simplify a few things just because it's not intuitive. CTRL-G (default mapping) will switch to guns. ALT-G cycles gun round burst mode between 10, 20, 50, 100 and full. Burst is the number of chain gun rounds fired with each trigger pull.

*edit* I made some changes, MODE has now reverted to ACQ (acquisition) as MODE is used for switching  AGM launch modes between LOAL and LOBL.

ACQ is the method of gun tracking. It cycles between

  • HMD (helmet mounted display, this is TrackIR or mouselook, where you are looking)
  • FXD is fixed forward
  • TADS is the current TADS position.

This is a fairly important mode distinction, particually in co-op play as the pilot controls gun/rockets and the the co-pilot/gunner operates TADS and other weapons such as the AGMs (air to ground missiles).

This I think neatly simplifies operation and easy to understand. For most situations you will want to leave it in TADS mode so you can quickly deploy cannon or AGMs against ground targets.

MAN RNG adjusts the ballistics trajectory. Cycles between fixed ranges given in meters. It's there for completeness without adding complexity. It's a candidate for removal.

Night Lighting

As I was pondering what to do next (never a shortage of things) I added the pointligts to the cockpit for the night lighting. The instrument panel could benefit maybe from a specular map here, so the pit lighting picks out highlights. But that might be going a bit too far.


  1. Thats just fantastic work, Flex! MFD close up looks very photorealistic. Cant wait to play with the buttons. :-) I also look forward to hunting fleeing insurgents with the cannon in HMD sight mode. :-)))

  2. Do You plan to include Priority Fire Zones and ROE? I mean...are we going to need permissions from command to engage targets?

  3. PFZs and NFZs, as far as ROE, that's left to you.

    There will be consequences for your actions, we're trying to simulate cause and effect in simulation. Families may be inter-bred for generations. If one faction kills a man in one village, his relatives across multiple villages, tens of miles away will align against the offender.

    How your faction is seen will be reflected in the quality of support and intelligence from the local population. It's not in your long term interest to be gung-ho, always check your targets.

    If you don't like that sort of thing, campaign two is an armoured invasion, a more traditional anti-armor "spank the tank" campaign. But again I'd warn against inflicting collateral damage, it will erode support and be reflected in personal awards.

  4. G R E A T!!!! Once in a life, certain dreams come true.:-)

  5. All I have to say is wow. This is turning out to be something very special!

    These updates just keep getting better and better and better.

    "If one faction kills a man in one village, his relatives across multiple villages, tens of miles away will align against the offender." This is amazing! Absolutely and utterly amazing idea!

  6. About that new message on Twitter.....great filter. Never seen something like that before. Genius. :-)

  7. I think I will explode in pure joy! The night lighting is simply the best of all sims ever! Absolutely real. I remember, that in some previous post You wrote, You will try to recreate that feeling from the real photo of apache night cockpit. You did a fantastic job here again! Cant stop to enlarging the screenshot and feast me eyes on it. Im angry I dont know enough english superlatives. :-))) Is it also going to be visible from the outside???

  8. More like in the second pic I just updated?

    I toned it down a bit and increased the intensity. To get the shiny look it will need specular map adding to the instrument panel. Have to be careful matching a photo taken at night, while it looks dramatic, in person it's far more subtle.

    I'll double the number of spot lights and add the 'dome' light.

  9. I'm having difficult working out where the lights are physically located in the cockpit.

  10. OMG mercy ;) stop posting this screens, or say: combat helo coming in may ;)

  11. Too late. Sorry, just added another one with 4 shadow free lights. That's about as much as I dare. I'd use spotlights as they are less intensive computationally but they are not working atm.

    Anyway. Enjoy. I'm off to sleep.
