Thursday 6 May 2010

Building bridges and instrument lights

Dave sent me his first bridge work for crossing the Death Star(tm) trench across our terrain.

Pictured below is an editor scene showing it in place with some of our other 3D assets rolling across it.

Five brickwork textures were used to break up the surface detail with colour matching used to make it blend with the terrain textures.

The bridge is based on this one.

Last night I finished playing around with the cockpit night lighting thanks to Bushmaster and his reference photos and nudging to fix the colours. Three rotary controls by the pilots left side control levels of the panel lights, dome light and backlighting. Having an little issue with the backlighting levels as I'm setting the levels by sending a uniform float to adjust levels of the glow shader, with mixed results, I'm doing something wrong.

Have some details on the MPDs and navigation to sort out. The direct-to menu to add on the "M" key, rocket submode and the master arm on/off. I've borrowed some nice bullet code that I plan to adapt to the chain gun when these pages start driving me crazy again.

The next month will have me looking at our iPhone game which is a way of supporting longer term development by using existing 3D assets in a two-minute finger shooter. We've been experimenting with the dev kits just to get a feel for the workflow and HID considerations. Our game is not ambitious, take-it out, play, spank some bad-guys. The platform is capable of a whopping 6k-8k polys with around 30 draw calls per frame, which is a little smaller than the typical 250k-500k poly scenes in Combat-Helo.

Here's a parting shot of the CP/G station with panel lights and backlighting, again with the mock TADS image from another game (image supplied by Gary Wright). Hopefully it won't be too long before we get ours in place.


  1. Bridge tekstures!! Preeetty 3d stone illusion , and truck many details , but too low resolution screen;)
    great work!
    Btw "ADS image from another game:
    Gotcha! 3rd screen;)

  2. I am absolutelly stunned.

    Mate, if you need a web developer to help in any way, please let me know.

    Take care.

  3. @Banita Hey I've seen that picture somewhere before :) That's quite a good article too. Takes me back many years.

    The quote by "iamfritz" was quite true, "Long live LB2", it certainly lasted a long time. I think because it blended different elements so well in a not so hard to play package.

    @SpaceRat If we need a web developer we'll have to see what we can do. I'm not really sure myself yet. There's a potential for embedding web server technologies to pull data out of games in progress and having some "sitboard" on a web site might be neat idea. But that sort of thing won't be in release 1. I'm always being warned about gravy and feature creep. If you have a portfolio or previous work or work in progress drop "Flexman" a PM on the SimHQ forums (that's me).

    The forum is at:

    @T The bridge is modelled after this one...

    Wouldn't want to cross that in the dark. Scary.

  4. WOW....just..........WOW! :-) Great updates. The first image of pit lighting is simply the best think Ive seen in cockpits modeling ever! That bridge has very strange structure. It looks like those little pylons where planned to serve some purpose but never finished. Anyway......hats down boys....You will kick ass with this sim.

  5. The pylons will at some point be connected by telephone wires.


  6. Afghanistan is an amazing land. Full of contrasts. Pity there is a war. But Apache will always perfectly fit into this environment. :-) About cockpit....I really love those backlit lines coming out of PBs and pointing to corresponding function. In other sims...usually only PBs are backlit. Just great job!!!
