Wednesday 24 February 2010

Little update - the search for jobs

Work has temporarily had to stop, news that our current contracts are coming to an end and we need to look for new jobs was rather sudden. I've been busy looking for new work and exercising my old design skills for prospective new clients. Nothing like the prospect of loosing employment for looking at new avenues and opportunities. Nothing concrete as yet but a number of possible avenues.

On the combat-helo side, the developer of the Leadwerks engine - Josh Klint announced some interesting developments that should ease the art pipeline problems in his blog entry. As well as a greater number of vegetation layers and collision system, the GUI system should arrive just in time.

In the meantime, I'm still looking for a new job, doing small contract work and "chillaxing" (is that a word?) in the evenings with Star Trek Online.

1 comment:

  1. It's good news about the vegetation layers. Perhaps he'll find a way to increase the number of terrain texture layers at the same time.

    I'm very happy to see the word chillaxing is starting to propagate through the ether.

    Good luck with the job hunt.
