Tuesday 19 January 2010

A few more screen-shots

Not much done this weekend thanks to Star Trek Online "open" beta but I did spend some time maintaining code. Here are some screen shots for the sake of having something jam up your browser window.

Still trying to find a good balance of shadow detail vs. range. There are three ranges (or layers) each layer has a shadow map that is reduced in size (hence detail) with distance. It's a matter of fine tuning shapr cockpit shadows, distant trees/buildings and then everything in-between. Ideally another shadow layer could be used.

I'm toying with having the cockpit rendered as a separate world to separate it from environmental effects such as dust-storms and rain. But I want to retain cockpit lighting effects from rockets. Thinking cap on.


  1. This is really looking very nice, I'm very impressed. The head up displays look great and I love the overall level design. Great work!

  2. A lot of failing going on there! Luckily the radio still works. Phew!
