Sunday 6 December 2009

Duststorms cont..

Two new screens from Combat-Helo.

The 3D effect works better, using a "cloud" type texture with some shading, A couple of emitters parented to a pivot and you can fill half a kilometre of a valley with a functional mini dust-storm. A couple of these following a path up dusty valley floors should make for a pretty scary flying experience, if you're foolish enough to try and fly through one.

Next video will show this better but you can hardly make out the farp ahead even though it's only 50 meters away. No flying this afternoon. Too bad we can't make the tents bellow.

Enough of this idle diversion, back to programming the upfront display (UFD). The new radios need some work.

The script has had it's third pass and been signed-off.

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