Sunday 4 November 2012

Phase 1 progress

An update on where I am with Phase 1. October was crunch-time at my day-job, 2 am late nights were regular at one point. Catching up on the work-item list, as of this weekend I have completed:

  • Event Manager
  • Triggers
  • AI Behaviour (steering core)
  • AI Waypoint paths
Individual Steering behaviours are in progress, these are the bits of code that describe individual states such as fight or flight, wandering and obstacle avoidance. These constitute the bulk of the core-game features that were outstanding. Currently these are being assembled into a test harness for unit testing. The goal here is to have everything needed to build a set of simple scenarios for the cockpit experience.

Other news

We looked at how much work is required in DCS World add-ons. Extensive LUA work is required but we don't have the resources (man-power) to commit. If the opportunity arises we'll do it but the current priority is seeing through our current project.

Thanks for the comments, feedback and general chit chat on the blog. I promised fewer blog updates and more code time.


  1. Great news, Flex. It also would be great to see an Apache module to DCS World created by You. Still prefer the stand alone project, You are working on right now.

    I keep my fingers crossed!

  2. Good news, thank you!
    I hope also to see your Apache in DCS world!

  3. Hey Flex, regarding DCS i am sure someone sooner or later will make the AH64 so you concentrating on CH is definitely a better option considering how far you have got into it. As others have mentioned DCS seems to be loosing direction. UH1? P51 (although a bit of fun has been a waste of valuable resources IMO. It is only a game and if something is not modeled 100% accurate who the hell is going to know unless they fly one for real and if they do they are sure as hell not going to come home and fly one on the PC Game play has been sacrificed for stupid things like flight dynamics of missiles and such stuff when the playabilty is just left rotting on the back burner. New terrain maps, dynamic campaigns are a must, thats what kept LB2 interesting.

    1. Yes...choice of new modules is a little strange in DCS. With new 3D model of F-18 for DCS World I hoped for F-18 module with carrier operations. Man...thats something I would love to see. :-o

    2. The way is that to introduce all aircraft in DCSW. Although it seems too strange because there are several aircrafts or choppers very incomplatible between their, the choise (IMHO) is not bad. The responsability to create missions with compatible aircrafts is of who create the mission. The person who builds the mission can choise the several aircrafts that will cooperate during the flight. The main lack of DCS actually is the scenery. It's too small for the modern supersonic aircrafts like F-18, F-15... If an aircraft will travel at supersonic cruise, it will cross the entire map in only 10 minuts :)
      I hope in future scenery, and I hope to see a day this Apache, but the idea of the 3rd party isn't bad.

  4. Like the above comments, a DCS module would be outstanding and I would purchase it in a minute, however, CH is the real prize and I hope it lives to fruition. Thank you for your sacrifices and good luck in your efforts.

  5. Although I was an A model pilot and haven't flown an Apache in 25 years, I do have some Longbow crew station design experience, while working for McDonnell Douglas. I just want to say I am completely blown away by the detail and accuracy of your simulation. My only comment concerns something that was near and dear to my learning curve, the distance from the PNVS turret to the pilots HMD. That 10 feet can cause havoc if you decide to make a sharp turn just after seeing the tree pass by the turret. Don't know if simulation technology allows for two images, but if it's a doable I suspect that the people who buy this product will appreciate that added level of accuracy.

  6. indeed! this sim looks just absolutely stunnign and with a dynamic campaign it could be - will be the best apache sim to date - a true successor to Longbow 2!

  7. Richard and your team, this is amazing stuff. I've played LB nor LB2 in years (since 1999), but I am waiting patiently to play this one when its released.

    Thanks for the previews.

  8. Hi Flex, I hope you and your team can make some progress. I'm following your blog for quite a while and I'm impressed what you did so far. I'm looking forward to see the final sim (especially as Longbow 2 is not running on new hardware).

    Although it would be great to have another update I can understand that you have other things to do around this season. ;-)

    Wish you, your familiy and team a nice Christmas time.


    1. Longbow 2 can be run with windows 7 - but just requires a bit of work using stuff from Flyboys LB2 page and also Nglide, i have it running now perfectly in Windows 7!

    2. Thanks and great to hear! A while ago I tried it on my old XP maschine with another glide wrapper but constantly collapsed and graphic was not good. I will give it a try.

      But I'm still looking forward for Combat-Helo ;-)

    3. Christian, see here:

    4. Hi Malcolm, thanks for sharing. Looks good so I can try to set up on my PC. I was just about to put together an "old" machine with parts from my original LB2 PC (with Voodoo2 card!!). Unfortunately, I think my wife will freak out if I do so. ;-)


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The SimHQ forum has been archived and this blog hasn't been updated in a long while. Are there any news?

  11. How long before we can play at Combat Helo ?
    I'm waiting so long.
