Sunday 15 July 2012

We interrupt this program.

Had planned and written a blog update to go out this weekend however some of the details I anticipated would be in it are still to be confirmed.

So here instead is a 30 second video of waves in Leadwerks engine I recorded earlier while working on water in various 3D engines. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

(Actually I leave this scene running while playing Art of Noise in the background)


  1. Awesome. It would be nice to see it in sunset.

  2. I'm totally impressed with the implementation. And cresting waves too. Someone is working on a sub-sim with it and will likely be posting more about it at SimHQ or some such.

    This week we have guests visiting and I kind of promised a working CH demo so working on it this week (been AGES it seems).

  3. Hello Richard,

    do you think that is possible to make a small video for your fans ?

    Best wishes for your works and your book.

    Have a good week.

    1. I'll see if we get an opportunity to put a video together. I think Rolf who's arriving tomorrow may shame me into doing it. One of the things on my shopping list is a projector for putting a demo cockpit together (more on that later).

      Only recently started getting my build tools re-installed so I can go in and compile the source again (upgraded to 64bit Windows).

      I start my holiday this Friday (yay) and while I wanted to start build on a Unity driven AR table I think the wife has vetoed this on the grounds that a family trip to York would be better (but probably not cheaper).

      Post August I'm pushing for getting a chunk of the game parts completed so we have something solid to demo and Dave to enjoy. Things are working out good.
