Friday 23 March 2012

Mossie Mascot update...

Meanwhile in Comknat-Helo...colouring update for Mossie...

In other news

Caught this video a few days ago but made it to the BBC today courtesy of

A demonstration of the dangers of thin mountain air in Afghanistan. Someone should check oxygen levels and how it can effect judgement at those altitudes. Performing a "return-to-target" turn in low density air.


  1. Damn thats crazy!!! Miracle that nobody has been injured.

  2. bullet belt is a bit over the top. I don't have a problem with the teeth looking like Tunes.

  3. yup, i agree about mossie... needs to look more "pissed off" I would like to see him swooping down (wings out) tail first.

    that video looks like me trying to fly the Apache in ARMA2. I wonder if the army will keep that pilot in the air going forward?

  4. there are strict performance parameters for flying in higher altitudes like that and strict rules for flying 25 ft off the deck at your base of operations like that..but you can clearly see "rotor coning" due to him pulling massive amounts of collective.. the tail of the aircraft at the 24 second mark nearly kills the guy with his hands in the air.. I hope this guy lost his pilot status.
    Dave Townsend-us army helicopter avionics tech 88-92

  5. it is probably a rotor blades stall due to high altitude, Combat Helo (with HTR) will factor that...

    he also lost tail rotor after impact and did not lower the collective to reduce torque

  6. Hi.

    Mossie colouring is great. I would keep it. About the sketch, it looks great and I know its not gonna be approved :-), but I wouldnt "push" him into apache-like style. Drawing is awesome, so I would make him an "ordinary" mossie with that cool smile. Maybe those wings out, like jeffyd123 said. If the drawing will be too complex, it will be difficult to distinguish, IMO. If nothing, I would change the sting to an ordinary sting. I know it took some time and skill to draw that cannon, but its just my opinion.
    I know its difficult to try to make something based on opinions of so many other people. I know it. I do graphic design...:-)))

    Anyway...if its gonna be this Apache-like mossie or its gonna end up in some different style, the artist is very skillful. Paolo, right? Great job.

    Over&Out. :-)

  7. Too kind pavel. I'm really humbled :)
    I'm in the colouring phase but the wings bugs me too (pun intended)...

    Still As you know Image can't bee to big or too messy as it's going to be a small detail in the cockpit.

    I've an idea or two but now it's not time to talk about it.

    In a few days maybe ;)

    And... Thanks again, really.

    1. Hi, Paolo.

      U r welcome. :-)

      Im looking forward to see next stage of this drawing.
