Friday 6 January 2012

Nothing serious but one reader sent in this...

From an Australian gaming mag (and those guys are tough cookies) at the bottom of a review of Take On Helicopters...

Thanks for the mention guys :) the picture is a bit out of date though, but what the hell.


  1. I read that article. You've made the big time now, better punch out the initial release.

    As far as the pic goes, they (PC Powerplay) have a habit of poorly representing niche games. That said, its a solid magazine.

  2. Quite possibly Thomas :)

    Although it's worrying that Boeing have been quiet, when I started talking to them about the licensing they never got back to me. Now the thing with EA and Bell has me worried again. I can just see two years of work and 10 years of research going poof on a whim. I still have a couch with a huge hole in it cos I can't replace it.

    Although as a family we put more worth in a new hard drive than a comfy place to sit.

    If we haven't launched by May then we won't launch at all. I'll hang up my propeller hat in shame.

  3. Hi Flexman,

    I think that I mentioned this before but I believe that if you don't mention the Boeing, Apache and the Longbow names (which are company trademark names) in your sim you wouldn't have any licensing issues at all! What I'm saying is that you should only refer to or name the Apache helicopter within the sim and official website as simply "AH-64D" since this name is a US military name/designation and therefore a public name and not subjected to any licencing issues (and the same also applies to the Chinook or any other helicopter).
    This is exactly what is done in many other games like ArmA where manufacturer/company names are always avoided whenever possible (with exception of the ACOG sight) and for most cases only military designations are used.

    An another possibility to avoid licencing issues is by using fake names for real vehicles like happens in GTA, where all vehicles (cars, trucks, helicopters, etc...) exists in real life but have a fake name.
