Saturday 4 December 2010

Weekend expression.

First weekend on the run-up to the holiday season.

Two things happened, first, I unboxed SSX Tricky for the Playstation 2 and lament that there hasn't been a hi-def remix for the current-gen consoles. It's still a brash, loud and stupidly over the top game. Great fun to pick up and play. While playing it, it was easy to forget everything else that follows.

The second thing...well that's everything else. I've had to deal with money matters, lawyers, game design issues and job interviews. All in one week. Granted I've not had a job interview in years for a game programming position, usually it's pitching for work and never had to express myself or my skills. Being English, (and a Yorkshireman) I tend to undersell. Dave who;s been working hard on the 3D art will say I'm the king of understatement, produce wonders and brush it off as nothing at all. Sometimes nothing at all can look wondrous.

A dear old chum from the 404th squadron (Stingray) had some helpful advice on IP law in the US. I can't discuss specifics (by co-incidence I was also contacted by a freelance journalist working on story about simulation and intellectual property) but he looked into issues surrounding the use of military aircraft, paid for by tax-payers, and the use of images and names of publicly funded hardware in video games.

Do you need to license such things? His analysis was most entertaining but he summed it up in two words, a "definite maybe". I love lawyer speak.

Meanwhile my oldest brother is in hospital pumped full of morphine, his liver cancer presumably catching up ready to take what's left of him and I'm unable to do anything about that except blog. Except I can't do it at the hospital as to use wi-fi services there patients must pay extortionate amounts to large telecoms. Everywhere you look a corporate entity is trying to suck money out of you while you fight for life. Vending machines, the privately run car-park outside, wi-fi. All of these things that surround you in these places are stupidly expensive. Don't get sick.

My wife is currently preparing food for hungry musicians at the local centre, it's all she can do to give something back to the community. I wonder what it would take to install free wi-fi in hospitals? And how much red-tape you'd need to cross just to get equipment in the building. I think I just found a new mission in life.


  1. Hi there, have been following your blog for a while - impressive so far, and I am itching for a worthy successor to Longbow2!

    I am very sorry to hear about your brother, all the best from "over here" (Frankfurt, Germany)


  2. Flex, I hope the best for the job interview prospects.

    I am so sorry to hear about your Brother, I know what it's like, I lost my younger Brother a few years ago at 35 yrs old. He was also on ever higher doses of Morphine at the end. Your Brother, yourself and your family are in my prayers.

  3. So sorry to hear about your brother, sounds like this has been a rough year for you and your family.

  4. Not good to hear this, I wish you and your family strength in such a difficult time

  5. The phillips' family thoughts go out to you all.

    Carpe Diem.

  6. Very sorry to hear of your brother's illness flex. It is sickening how the corporate buzzards are flying overhead sucking money from you. Reminds me of my favorite song "Im Afraid of Americans" by David Bowie/NiN. Very good stuff... I love Bowie.
