Tuesday, 19 January 2010

A few more screen-shots

Not much done this weekend thanks to Star Trek Online "open" beta but I did spend some time maintaining code. Here are some screen shots for the sake of having something jam up your browser window.

Still trying to find a good balance of shadow detail vs. range. There are three ranges (or layers) each layer has a shadow map that is reduced in size (hence detail) with distance. It's a matter of fine tuning shapr cockpit shadows, distant trees/buildings and then everything in-between. Ideally another shadow layer could be used.

I'm toying with having the cockpit rendered as a separate world to separate it from environmental effects such as dust-storms and rain. But I want to retain cockpit lighting effects from rockets. Thinking cap on.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Busy busy busy

More pressing work issues have cropped up in the past week hence the lack of updates. The freezing cold hasn't helped matters with the UK covered in snow.

But fear ye not. Interesting things are afoot.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Back up to speed

Short update to let you know that I'm fully refreshed from the holiday break and back to work.

There's a 3D engine update which requires re-working of existing model scripts and tweaks to the game code. Roads now work.

Hope you all had a good holiday season. We've had six inches of snow here in the last 12 hours.