Thursday 24 September 2009

IHADSS Cruise Mode

Added bank angle and pitch ladder. Still some work to do on it, I'm having a few problems with the math, matching the angle lines to the horizon. The camera field of view is not taken into account and I really need the equation to to get the pitch ladder to fit with the outside world.

Plan B is to generate the whole ladder as a 3D object and use a pivot. That seems like cheating though.

Also I need to add a clipping area as parts of the ladder should not leak into other areas of the IHADSS.

Things to add,
  • altitude bar
  • torque and G bar
  • flight path indicator
  • command heading carret
  • radar sweep position
  • bobup marker
Apart from the problem with the ladder and camera FOV, it all scales nicley.

Found a bug with water reflection in the LE2 engine, it seems to rotate in the opposite direction to camera roll. You turn one way, the reflection rotates the other. Should be an easy fix.

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