Wednesday 20 February 2013

Book Plug and moving on.

My book was published on the 18th of Feb. This is a companion guide to anyone wanting to learn how to use GROME. It also covers plugins and scripts for exporting to other game engines. GROME is kind of like Photoshop for terrain.

Now available from Amazon US:
And in the UK:

I want to quote from the forward at the beginning of the book as it's addressed (in part) to you guys:

Finally, a big thank you to the simulation community, SimHQ, and various individuals that continue to be supportive in the face of my endless and annoying prevarication and distractions (of which this book is but one of them). Sorry!

Art is never finished, only abandoned.

You can also buy direct from the publisher which may still have it at the pre-order discount here:

GROME is a product of Quad Software and available here:

It uses the Graphite Engine which comes as an SDK with every GROME license. Streaming and paging comes as standard, originally designed for use in an MMO.

Now that project is over and done with, Combat-Helo development will now resume in earnest. Watch this space.

p.s. Thanks again all.